“The disciples then did as Jesus had ordered, and prepared the Passover.” Matthew 26:19
“The disciples then did as Jesus had ordered, and prepared the Passover.”
Matthew 26:19
Good preparation for every event or any productive action is very important in a person’s life. Good preparation is a sign of a wise person.
In preparing for something, it is also important to focus on what matters most, to stop and analyze the preparation itself and to check its quality.
When we hurry, without preparation, we are more prone to making mistakes and to fail.
The great events and holidays of the Christian life also need to have long and intense periods of preparation. It is necessary to relive the meaning of the event the holiday celebrates and so to grow from year to year in faith. The gift of faith is dynamic and needs our constant effort to grow greater and greater.
The prolonged period of the Great Fast is necessary in order to prepare well for the feast of Easter. Yesterday the Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross, began the week that marks the middle of the journey of Lent. During this week, we focus our attention on the Cross of the Lord, which is the sign of victory over the greatest manifestation of evil – death. At the same time, the Cross reminds us how much God loves and treasures each of us.
This week, in the middle of our journey of preparation to Easter, provides with a good opportunity for a quiet analysis of the first part of our Great Fast:
How am I preparing for Easter?
Do I and how do I treasure the sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross for me?
How is the spiritual life manifested in my day-to-day actions?
Fr. A.R.